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Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes the policies, procedures and in general the security controls of the ALMH platform ("we", "our" or "us") on the collection and use of your information on (the "Site") and the services, features, or content we offer (collectively with the Site, the "Services"). We receive information about you if you register for the Site. When you use the Services, you are consenting to the collection, transfer and storage of your information as described in this Privacy Policy.

Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Pursuant to the regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data we would like to declare that all the data we collect on our website are collected for a specified, explicit and legitimate reason and are processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner.


Roles and Responsibilities
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and in our capacity as website owners on which we determine why and how collect and process personal information, we assume the role and the responsibilities of the data controller. You can contact us for all matters relevant to GDPR at

Data Collection
The data we collect on our website are first name and last name, address, personal or corporate email addresses, company name and telephone number. Only the first and last name, email address and organisation name are mandatory to be filled in the relevant CONTACT US form.


Purpose for the collection of data
We collect the data in order to provide general information about our project objectives (please see relevant page), job openings, our services, news,  reports,  and promotional material. Moreover we collect anonymous information to run queries on the PE  practices' inventory tool and aliases, Google and FB account information to access the ALMH Forum.


Data Recipients
Your data are safe with us. We do not send any of your personal data to anyone outside the walls of our organisation.


Data Transfer
Your data are safe with us. We do not transfer any of your personal data outside the EU or onto any cloud-based systems.


Retention Policy
The general information we collect on our website are stored for the purposes described in paragraph "purpose for the collection of data" for a period of one (12) months, after which are wiped from our systems in a secure manner i.e. US DoD 5220.22-M.  The data we collect when a user is registered to the ALMH Forum are retained until the user unregisters.


Data Subject Rights
You have the right to exercise your rights under the regulation by sending us a notification email to by declaring the type of the right you have selected to exercise. 

Right of access

Right to rectification

Right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’)

Right to restriction of processing

Right to data portability

Right to object

Please note that we strive to respond to your queries as soon as possible. Any such request will never be unreasonably delayed and never beyond the period of one (1) month.


Lawfulness of Processing
Before we collect your personal data, we will ask your consent in a clear and simple way. In case we ever change the purpose for which we process your personal data we will ask your consent again. Please note that you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time using the same website form, or by sending any email to


Lodging a Complaint
Should you care to file a complaint about any suspected violation of GDPR you

must contact the Belgian Data Protection Authority at Rue de la Presse 35, 1000 Brussels E-mail:


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La presenza di InALMH sui social media è strategica in quanto sempre più persone interessate dal lavoro che genera utilizzano una qualche forma di socializzazione utilizzando una delle piattaforme di seguito. Nuovi contenuti verranno aggiunti alle piattaforme social in modo sincrono   al fine di presentare un approccio coerente e un messaggio al pubblico. 


politica sulla riservatezza


Link utili

Unione Europea

Il network



Uso dei cookie

Grazie per l'invio!


ENALMH ha sede a Bruxelles, Belgio, opera sotto lo status di AISBL (Associazione Internazionale senza fini di lucro) ed è disciplinata dal Titolo III della Legge Belga del 27 giugno 1921 Email:  / Tel: +30-2125443254  / Fax:  +30-2125443255




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